
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
"Mankind is poised midway between the gods and the beasts."
Dr. Zackary P. T. Sin received his Ph.D. and B.Sc. from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is an experienced multimedia researcher and developer with publications in prestigious conferences and journals such as SIGGRAPH i3D (PACMCGIT), CHI PLAY (PACMHCI), Pacific Graphics and IEEE TLT; his main research areas are metaverse, computer graphics and human-computer interaction. Currently, he is investigating how to utilize neural rendering, generative AI and novel modes of interactions to explore the full potential of a highly immersive virtual world.
An aspiring computing artisan who aims to combine technical skills with an aesthetic flair, he is passionate about learning and engineering; this could be exemplified by the awards he has won, such as best paper awards in conferences (e.g. i3D'23), Microsoft Imagine Cup Champion (Hong Kong game section), Global Game Jam HK awards and HKSAR Government Scholarship (B.Sc.). He is a member of ACM and SIGGRAPH.
Office: PQ739 Email: zackary-p-t.sin@polyu.edu.hk Phone: (852) 2766 7238
I publish mainly in conferences and journals in computer graphics, human-computer interaction and e-learning.

Conference Awards
• Best paper @ i3D'23 • Best paper @ MoMM'22 • Best student opponent award @ ISM'21
- Zackary P. T. Sin, Peter H. F. Ng, and Hong Va Leong. 2023. NeRFahedron: A Primitive for Animatable Neural Rendering with Interactive Speed. Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 6 (1/SIGGRAPH i3D). 20 pages. (Best paper)
- Zackary P. T. Sin, Ye Jia, Astin C. H. Wu, Isaac Dan Zhao, Richard Chen Li, Peter H. F. Ng, Xiao Huang, George Baciu, Jiannong Cao, and Qing Li. 2023. Towards an Edu-Metaverse of Knowledge: Immersive Exploration of University Courses. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (TLT). (to appear)
- Zackary P. T. Sin, Peter Q. Chen, Peter H. F. Ng, and Hong Va Leong. 2022. Tracking Stuffed Toy for Naturally Mapped Interactive Play via a Soft-Pose Estimator. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6 (CHI PLAY). Article 255, 25 pages.
- Peter H. F. Ng, Peter Q. Chen, Zackary P. T. Sin, Sun H. S. Lai, and Andy S. K. Cheng. 2023. Smart Work Injury Management (SWIM) system: a machine learning approach for the prediction of sick leave and rehabilitation plan, Bioengineering, 10 (2). 17 pages.
- Zackary P. T. Sin, Isaac Dan Zhao, Astin C. H. Wu, Richard Chen Li, Peter H. F. Ng, Xiao Huang, George Baciu, Jiannong Cao, and Qing Li. 2022. Towards a Metaverse of Knowledge: A Constructivist Proposition on Immersive Learning and Visual Literacy. Proceedings of the International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL). 12 pages.
- Qing Li, George Baciu, Jiannong Cao, Xiao Huang, Richard Chen Li, Peter H. F. Ng, Junnan Dong, Qinggang Zhang, Zackary P. T. Sin, and Yaowei Wang. 2022. KCUBE: A Knowledge Graph University Curriculum Framework for Student Advising and Career Planning. In Proceedings of International Conference on Blended Learning (ICBL). pages 358–369.
- Zackary P. T. Sin, Peter H. F. Ng, and Hong Va Leong. 2022. Curvable Image Markers: Towards a Trackable Marker for Every Surface. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia Intelligence (MoMM). pages 57-70. (Best paper)
- Zackary P. T. Sin, Peter H. F. Ng, and Hong Va Leong. 2021. Stuffed Toy as an Appealing Tangible Interface for Children. In IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM). pages 75–78.
- Zackary P. T. Sin, Peter H. F. Ng, and Hong Va Leong. 2021. Neural Proxy: Empowering Neural Volume Rendering for Animation. In Pacific Graphics Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers (Pacific Graphics). pages 31–36.
- Zackary P. T. Sin, Peter H. F. Ng, and Hong Va Leong. 2020. Towards Neural AR: Unsupervised Object Segmentation with 3d Scanned Model Through Relative. In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW). 6 pages.
- Andy S. K. Cheng, Peter H. F. Ng, Zackary P. T. Sin, Sun H. S. Lai and S. W. Law. 2020. Smart Work Injury Management (SWIM) System: Artificial Intelligence in Work Disability Management. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 30 (3). pages 354–361.
- Zackary P. T. Sin, Peter H. F. Ng, Simon C. K. Shiu, Fu-lai Chung, and Hong Va Leong. 2019. Multi-level Motion-Informed Approach for Video Generation with Key Frames. In Proceedings of Computer Graphics International Conference (CGI). pages 190–202
- Zackary P. T. Sin, Peter H. F. Ng, Simon C. K. Shiu, Fu-lai Chung, and Hong Va Leong. 2019. 2D Character Animating Networks: Bringing Static Characters to Move via Motion Transfer. In Proceedings of the ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC). pages 196–203.
- Zackary P. T. Sin, Peter H. F. Ng, Simon C. K. Shiu, Fu-lai Chung, and Hong Va Leong. 2019. Transferring Object Layouts from Virtual to Physical Rooms: Towards Adapting a Virtual Scene to a Physical Scene for VR. In Proceedings of Computer Graphics International Conference (CGI). pages 253-265.
- Zackary P. T. Sin, Peter H. F. Ng. 2018. Planetary Marching Cubes: A Marching Cubes Algorithm for Spherical Space. In Proceedings of International Conference on Video and Image Processing (ICVIP). pages 89–94.
- Zackary P. T. Sin, Peter H. F. Ng, Simon C. K. Shiu, and Fu-lai Chung. 2017. Planetary Marching Cubes for STEM Sandbox Game-based Learning: Enhancing Student Interest and Performance with Simulation Realism Planet Simulating Sandbox. In IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). pages 1644–1653.
Aside from academic publication, I am a hands-on developer that like to be directly related to the creative process. The following are some of the projects that I have contributed to.